Ratsitatanina! This name echoes in the collective memory of Mauritian. This name echoes in the collective memory of Mauritians, echoes of a story that has never been fully told. From the highlands of Madagascar to the jail of Port Louis, tracking down this figure occulted by History brings us into direct confrontation with the mystery surrounding the events that led to this Malagasy prince to being transformed into a tragic hero.
A film by Patrice CANABADY
Mauritius, 2014 - documentary, 28 mins - Color
Year : 2014
Duration : 28'
Director: Patrice CANABADY
Production : Porteurs d'Images
with the support of Fonds francophone de production audiovisuelle du Sud (OIF / CIRTEF): Production Grant, June 2013.
2016 | 11è Rencontres du Film Court de Madagascar / 11th Madagascar Short Film Festival | from 15th to 23rd april 2016
* Competition - Panafrican Documentary
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