SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Une fenêtre à Tanger ou le Maroc de Matisse

  • Une fenêtre à Tanger ou le Maroc de Matisse
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1999
Format : Short
Running time : 27 (in minutes)

Distanciándose del fauvismo que le aportó la notoriedad, Henri Matisse procura descubrir el secreto de su arte. Emprende en enero de 1912 un viaje a Marruecos : Tánger es "el lugar y la fórmula" que necesita en ese momento. En contacto con el arte islámico, Matisse toma conciencia de la radical novedad de su pintura, tal como lo escribe entonces "Este arte sugiere un espacio más grande, un verdadero espacio plástico ".

de Yves de Peretti

Distancing himself from Fauvism, the movement which made him famous, Henri Matisse attempts to discover the secret of his art. In January 1912, he travels to Morocco. Tangiers is "the place that holds the formula" which he is searching for. Islamic art helps him to realise how radically new his painting is. As he wrote at the time, "[Islamic] art suggests a larger space, a veritable visual space".

by Yves de Peretti


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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