SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sneak peek of IRIBA CENTER documents & logo‏

Genre : Calls for papers
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : February 2011
Published on : 02/08/2011

Dear All,

TOGETHER, WE ARE GETTING THERE! The IRIBA Center Kickstarter campaign has crossed the 54% mark. It's an exciting moment, but we can't celebrate yet: in order to get any of this money, we still need over $18,000 in pledges by August 21st. There's not much time, so please continue to spread the word - urge everyone you know to go http://kck.st/ieBvUW and join this important project.

We've got more fantastic news to report and we can now unveil our logo.

1. Thanks to the amazing networking that's happening, word about IRIBA CENTER is fanning across the globe. As a result, we have been granted our very first archival contributions! We've added a few sneak peeks, but click here to see more pictures:

Christophe Calais, an award-winning photojournalist with credits in publications including The New York Times Elle Magazine, and many others, and whose work on Rwanda has been published in two volumes, will be donating photographic images and his books for consultation at IRIBA CENTER.

Danièle Lacourse is the co-director, with the late Yvan Patry, of an important trilogy of films that were among the first to chronicle the genocide. Through AlterCiné, she has given us copies of her films to make them accessible for consultation at IRIBA Center.

Amélie Mutarabayire-Schafer and her association, Subiruseke, which focuses on widows and orphans of the genocide has pledged to give us video testimonies that she has recorded over the years. Subiruseke is intent on creating a small documentary, history and memorial center in Rutonde, in Eastern Rwanda. We hope this will be the first in years of collaboration between us.

Marco Longari, a renowned photojournalist currently based in Jerusalem, and who has recently been covering the Arab Spring in Egypt and the uprising in Libya, is also donating some of the work he did during the four years he spent covering Rwanda and Congo.

We are in talks with the Polish Pallottin missionaries, one of the oldest religious missions in Rwanda, about making some of their historical documents, dating back to the 60's and 70's, available through IRIBA CENTER.

2. We have a logo!

Dorothée Perkins is a Paris-based filmmaker and designer who has created the visual identities for all my films. This is the image she has designed that will grace the front of reward T-shirts that some you have chosen. In fact, we think it will look so nice on a T-shirt, that we've decided to create a NEW reward especially for it, at $30.

Remember, we've got less than three weeks to raise just over $18,000. We need you to keep the word going!! Ask everyone you know to go to http://kck.st/ieBvUW and bring IRIBA Center alive!

Our deepest thanks to you all!

Anne & Assumpta


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of