SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Commission régionale du film de Guadeloupe

Genre : Label
Status : Private company
Column : Cinema/tv
Tony Coco-Viloin Bureau d'acueil des tournages de Guadeloupe Direction de la Culture et de la Formation Artistique Hôtel de Région, Avenue Paul Lacavé, Petit-Paris
97109 Basse-Terre
Tel. : +33 (0)590 690.49.56.49 | +33 (0)5 90 80 41 57
Fax : +33 (0)5 90 80 40 87
Contact by email

Guadeloupe Film Commission

The Regional Film Commission of Guadeloupe is pursuing its broad mandate to facilitate the shooting and post-production of audiovisual content and to provide filmmakers with access to local resources. The Film Commission can offer you the following services (N.B. this is a non- exhaustive list): Set and documentation research Access to a network of professional contacts Access to a network of institutional contacts Logistic support · Data on location sites · Direct contact with the official administration (for film licences/ shooting permits) · Requis, location scouting, research for sets and costumes · A database of local actors and technicians · Listing of equipment rental agencies and service providers · Rental of locales for casting calls and organisation/ administration · Assistance with organising accommodation and transport For all other types of services and for specific needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of