SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Mouloud Feraoun

  • Mouloud Feraoun
Genre : Biography
Type : Docu-drama
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society, Intercultural/migrations, Heritage
Year of production : 2009
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 55 (in minutes)

Mouloud Feraoun is a documentary project dedicated to the life and work of the writer - a moving life made of effort, a work rooted in deep humanism. Conceived in seven parts, following a rigorous linearity, Mouloud Feraoun is a patchwork where reconstructions of eras, unpublished iconographic documents, film archives and, rarely, interviews with those close to him, or even his contemporaries, combine.

Trained at the French School with utopian ideals, prepared for a career as a brilliant teacher, Feraoun gradually loses his illusions as the Algerian drama unfolds. Far from renouncing new ideas, progress and knowledge, the author of "Son of the Poor" sets about reconstituting an identity distorted by an exotic and external gaze. While he calls into question an unjust reality, Feraoun exhumes distant heroes to whom he anchors a country with authentic values. It does not evolve over the course of painful events. His lucidity as an uncompromising and honest intellectual anticipates the warlike visions of those who wanted to put Algerian writers on trial because they were "not sufficiently committed".

"Throughout this document, we discover an author who carries the great values of Universal Man. It is in the name of man that Feraoun stands up against injustice. It is in the name of man that he is tormented by the war. Feraoun is a solitary creator who suffers to the point of wishing for a liberating madness. It is through his work that the portrait of a humble and discreet author, a talented writer and convictions emerges. Most time, I let him talk about himself with simple and fair words. I compile his moments of hope, of worry, his dreams and his fears. During all my research, a generous and generous Mouloud Feraoun stood out to me. good man who has continued to expose an inhuman and shameful colonial system. His clear and straightforward voice echoes the cry of a people from whom he has never separated." (Ali Mouzaoui).



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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of