SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Pablo César

Pablo César
© DR
Film director, Producer, Teacher, University lecturer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Dance, History/society

Pablo César is an Argentinean filmmaker. He started shooting cinema when he was 13 years old after his older brother José María, who was also a filmmaker, gave him an Super 8MM camera and taught him about the arts and techniques of making movies (only 4 years later José tragicaly passed away leaving behind him a very shocking filmography).
Pablo shot twenty short films and two long feature films in Super 8mm which are called "From the faces of the mirror" and "Diary of a madman". Later he shot seven long feature films in 35mm: "The holy family" (1988), "Equinox (the garden of the roses)" (1991), "Grey fire" (1993), "Unicorn (the garden of the fruits)" (1996), "Aphrodite (the garden of the perfumes)" (1998), "Blood" (2003), "Hunabkú" (2007) and "Orillas" (2010). He has been constantly recognized for his particular vision and his daring narration skills.
He is an international pioneer in developping co-productions between his home country, Argentina, and India, Tunisia and Mali. Along with those countries he dedicated many years to shoot a very particular trilogy inspired in old Sufi poems and some ancient mythologic texts.
All of his films have been awarded at different festivals all around the world. He has also taken part at juries of International Film Festivals such as Amiens (France), Montréal (Canada, Film Festival for Young People), Kelibia (Tunisia), Huy (Belgium), Hyderabad (India), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Villa Carlos Paz and Buenos Aires (Argentina).
He has been teaching movie direction, production and his seminar of author's cinema at the University of Cinema in Buenos Aires since 1992.

Pablo César es un cineasta argentino, nacido en Buenos Aires. Comenzó a hacer cine a la edad de 13 años cuando su hermano mayor José María, quien era realizador de cortometrajes, le regaló una cámara de Super 8mm y le enseñó las primeras técnicas para filmar (4 años después José murió en un accidente).
Pablo realizó veinte cortometrajes y dos largomerajes en Super 8mm, llamados "De las caras del espejo" (1982) y "Memorias de un loco" (1984). Luego realizó siete largometrajes en 35mm; "La sagrada familia" (1988), "Equinoccio (el jardín de las rosas)" (1991), "Fuego Gris" (1993), "Unicornio (el jardín de las frutas)" (1996), "Afrodita (el jardín de los perfumes)" (1998), "Sangre" (2003), "Hunabkú" (2007) y "Orillas" (2010).
Ha sido pionero en desarrollar coproducciones entre su país natal Argentina y las naciones de Túnez (1991), India (1996), y Malí (1998). Estos films constituyen una trilogía para la cual el autor se inspiró en antiguos poemas sufi y también en textos sobre diferentes mitologías.
Obtuvo premios internacionales y también participó como jurado en los festivales de Amiens (Francia), Montreal (Canadá, Festival de Cine Joven), Kelibia (Túnez), Huy (Belgica), Hyderabad (India), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) y Villa Carlos Paz y Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Es profesor en la Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires desde 1992 especializado en las cátedras de "Dirección", "Producción" y "Seminario El Cine de Autor".


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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