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Zézé Gamboa

© Courtesy Dakhla FilmFest
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Angolan Film Director, Scriptwriter and Producer.

Zézé GAMBOA is a Film Director, Screenwriter and Producer.

He is known for "O herói - Un Héros" (2004, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer), "O grande kilapy - Le grand Kilapy" (2012, Director).

Documentary filmmakers who chronicled Angola's crushing civil war are midwives to a new era in filmmaking. The Angola Film Institute, for decades in ruins, was revived last year and produced a flush of features. Luandan-born (in 1955) film director, Zeze Gamboa, is at the forefront of this development. His first feature, Hero (2004), won the Grand Prize in the World Dramatic Competition at this year's Sundance Film Festival and the Audience prize at the Three Continents Festival in Nantes. Gamboa was a cameraman for Angolan Television from 1974 to 1980. He made several documentaries: Mopiopio, sopro de Angola (1991); Dissidencia (1998); Burned by Blue (1999), and O Desassossego de Pessoa (1999). Bringing Hero (2004) to the screen is the accomplishment of more than 12 years of struggle since the story's genesis, when Gamboa saw a wounded veteran on Luanda's streets. He considers filmmaking a direct contribution to the national reconstruction effort.
His first full-length fictional film, The Hero won many awards, amongst which the Grand Prize in the World Dramatic Competition at the Sundance Film Festival in 2005. Gamboa released The Great Kilapy (2012), which was presented at the Toronto International Film Festival, the London Film Festival and many other Festivals around the world.


(2012) The Great Kilapy - Le Grand Kilapy (O Grande Kilapy)
Feature Fiction / Long métrage Fiction | starring / avec Lazaro Ramos, Patricia Bull, Pedro Hossi, João Lagarto, Adriana Rabelo

(2004) Un Héros - The Hero (O herói)
Feature Fiction / Long métrage Fiction | starring / avec Oumar Makéna Diop, Milton Coelho, Patricia Bull, Neusa Borges, Maria Ceiça, Raul Rosario

(2009) L'Afrique vue par...
Short films collection / Film collectif de courts métrages (Algeria)

(2009) Bonjour Afrique (Bom dia Africa)
Short Fiction / Court métrage Fiction

(2002) O Desassossego de Pessoa
Documentary / Documentaire

(2001) Burned by Blue
Documentary / Documentaire

(1998) Dissidence | Dissidencia
Documentary / Documentaire

(1991) Mopiopio, the Breath of Angola - Mopiopio, souffle d'Angola (Mopiopio, Sopro de Angola) | Documentary / Documentaire

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- https://boutique.laterit.fr/
- https://ifcinema.institutfrancais.com/fr/movie?id=948cb5c4-b89d-b345-3687-dcd29c5f4bcc
- https://cinephilazr.pagesperso-orange.fr/fiche_GAMBOA_Zeze.htm
Updated by Thierno DIA, 14 June 2023



Zézé Gamboa nasceu em Luanda em 1955. Trabalhou para a televisão angolana de 1974 até 1980, ano em que deixa Angola para ir para França e, depois, Portugal. Volta ao seu país de origem nos anos 90 e dedica-se aos documentários: "Mopiopio" e "Breath of Angola" em 1991, "Dissidência" (1998), "Burned by Blue" e "O Desassossego de Pessoa" em 1999. A história atribulada de Angola é a fonte de inspiração do realizador. "O Herói" (2004) é o seu primeiro filme de ficção. A ideia do filme surgiu em 1992, quando descobriu a foto de um veterano angolano a dormir na rua. Foi preciso esperar mais dez anos e o fim da guerra civil em Angola para poder rodar o filme.



زيزي كامبوا، قوة رائدة وراء الكاميرا، قدرته الإبداعية تجاوزت الحدود وأعادت تشكيل المناظر السينمائية. بفضل رواياته الملهمة وأفلامه المبهرة بصريًا، ترك بصمة مهمة في عالم السينما، وخاصة في السينما الإفريقية

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