SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fashion victim

  • Rose et Noir
Genre : Comedy
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Feature
Running time : 97 (in minutes)

In 1577, Pic Saint Loup, a great couturier in decline, is entrusted with a diplomatic mission by Henri III: he must create his most beautiful ceremonial gown for the arranged marriage of Frédéric, one the king's nephews with Margarita, the daughter of Poveda, a Grandee of Spain, in Andalucia.
In fundamentalist Catholic Spain, which hunts down Protestants, Moors, Jews and homosexuals, Saint Loup (not exactly straight) sets out on the road surrounded by his staff. What he doesn't know is that he is leaving with a Protestant, his loyal secretary, who is determined to hide a bomb in the gown to avenge his people for the bloody Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre. He is also leaving with a Moor, who must be transformed into a blond Norman, his perfumer, his "nose," a converted Jew, along with his hairdresser, a raging queen.
This merry "persona non grata" band end up at the house of the bride's father, a deranged person of the worst sort, who is none other than the Great Inquisitor of Seville.
Pic Saint Loup, who has dedicated his life to putting a bit of gaiety into an existence that is hardly that, finds himself thrown into the darkness of the Inquisition. It's what is called sticking one's head into the lion's mouth.

A film by Gérard Jugnot

France, 2009, Fiction, 1h37, Comedy / Aventures

starring Gérard Jugnot, Bernard Le Coq, Assaad Bouab, Saïda Jawad, Aixa Villagran, Arthur Jugnot, Raphaël Boshart


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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