SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ali Farka Touré : A visit to Ali Farka Touré

Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2000
Format : Feature
Running time : 63 (in minutes)

Niafunké es el reino de Ali Farka Touré, en el norte de Malí, en el meandro del Níger, entre la arena y el río. Ritmado por testimonios y conciertos del músico, cuya etiqueta en Occidente es "el bluesman del desierto", este encuentro nos hace descubrir su vida, y su don para la música.

Niafunké, situated in northern Mali on the bend of the Niger between the sands and the river, is the kingdom of Ali Farka Touré. Interspersed with interviews and extracts from the concerts of a musician known in the West as "The Bluesman of the Desert", the film reveals Ali Farka Touré's lifestyle and his gift for music.


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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