SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Pascal Capitolin

Pascal Capitolin
Film director, Sound engineer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Born in Paris he lives in Germany since 1984.
Pascal Capitolin, French-German Film director, freelance sound technician and sound recordist. Since 1995, instructor. Master of the University of Hagen, Bachelor of Arts, Certified Peace Consultant at the Academy for conflict transformation (Bonn, Germany).
Besides fiction movies and television series he worked for documentary productions such as Rhythm is it!, Die Kinder sind tot, Das Reichsorchester and Trip to Asia. In the area of sound design he has contributed to films as Hotel Sahara, Lebensretter and Christoph und Eliane.

Realisations as Sound Engineer and/or as Director (extract):

- Are You Dead (Nigeria - Allemagne) 2009
- The Look : un Portrait de Charlotte Rampling. Festival de Cannes 2011
- Die Anwälte, eine deutsche Geschichte, 2011
- KINSHASA SYMPHONIE (Congo) Sound recording and co-author, documentary film by Martin Baer and Claus Wischmann- Nominated for the German Documentary Film Award 2011.
- Hotel Sahara, 2009. sound. documentary film by Bettina Haasen, Mauritanie)
- Tag der Spatzen, 2009. sound, documentary film by Philip Scheffner. (Berlinale, 2010)
- Rhythm is it, 2006. sound, documentary film by Thomas Grube


Pascal Capitolin ist freiberuflicher Tontechniker und Soundrecordist. In Paris geboren lebt er seit 1984 in Deutschland. Neben Spielfilmen und Fernsehserien arbeitete er im Dokumentarfilmbereich an Filmen wie Rhythm is it!, Die Kinder sind tot, Das Reichsorchester und Trip to Asia. Im Sound-Designbereich hat er Filme wie Hotel Sahara, Lebensretter und Christoph und Eliane betreut.


Pascal Capitolin, Ni umuhinga mu gukora amareresi no gufata amajwi ku rwego mpuzamakungu kuva mu mwaka wa 1995. Arakarihiriza abandi ubwenge mubijanye no gutunganya amasinema muri WCF no muri Deutsche Welle. Yarize n'ibijanye no gukinga amatati muri kaminuza y'i Bonn mu Budage.

Mu mareresi yakoze harimwo:

- Are You Dead (Nigeria - Allemagne) 2009
- The Look : un Portrait de Charlotte Rampling. Festival de Cannes 2011
- Die Anwälte, eine deutsche Geschichte, 2011
- KINSHASA SYMPHONIE (Congo) aho yafashe amajwi anafasha uwateguye isinema;
- Hotel Sahara, 2009. Prise de son. Film documentaire de Bettina Haasen,
- Tag der Spatzen, 2009. (yafata amajwi)
- Rhythm is it, 2006. (yafata amajwi)



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Kinshasa Symphony



  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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