"The only real Caribs are dead Caribs." In this revealing film, Tracy Assing seeks to put to rest that historical saw. Assing was raised a member of the Santa Rosa Carib Community, the only recognised group representing indigenous descendants in Trinidad and Tobago. Until now, Amerindian descendants have depended on the stories of their grandparents and great-grandparents for their history, while the indigenous story of survival has been written out of the history books. Assing walks us through her own exploration of the history of the Santa Rosa Community and, as her great aunt, the Carib Queen, prepares to join the Great Spirit, ponders an uncertain future.
Year: 2010
Duration: 40 minutes
Type: Documentary
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Language : English
Directors: Tracy Assing, Sophie Meyer
Rating: All Ages
Contact: mybones@gmail.com | sophiemey@googlemail.com
2010 - Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival
* World premiere