SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

An Old Wives' Tale.

An Old Wives' Tale.
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1998
Format : Short
Running time : 26 (in minutes)

Young director Dumisani Phakathi first made his mark with this multiple award winning film, which took prizes for best director, actor, actress, supporting actress and script at South Africa's NTVA Avanti Awards. It examines a serious subject with deftness and levity, using the medium of easy-paced comedy to explore cultural norms in the new, democratic South Africa.

Assuming that former injustices have been corrected through legislation and that equal rights are now enjoyed by all, Afrikaner farmer Hendrik decides to exercise his constitutional rights and enter into a polygamous marriage like his farmhand, Lucas. A Xhosa, Lucas has long lived happily with his three wives. Hendrik seeks his advice on how to manage such a situation and soon his dreams become attainable when a recently widowed and nubile friend visits. Hendrik's wife, jaded and interested more in gardening, is amused by his antics - and surprises him with her attitude to the new arrangement.

Country: South Africa
Director: Dumisani Phakathi
Language: English
Length: 26min
Producer: Richard Green & Michael Cheze
Year: 1998


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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