SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2000
Format : Short
Running time : 25 (in minutes)

La cineasta nos conduce a un viaje maravilloso al corazón de la selva de Dakar, allí donde tras cada baobab se esconde un genio. En este periplo nos guían los espíritus. Al ritmo de encuentros, palabras y risas, este cortometraje invita a una visión poética, teñida del colorido humor del África, entre leyenda y realidad, ficción o documental.

The filmmaker takes us on a marvellous journey to the heart of the forest of Dakar, where a djinn nestles in every baobab. The spirits guide us through this adventure. With its many characters, its amusing dialogue and its typical African humour, this short film is characterised by a poetic approach somewherebetween legend and reality, fiction and documentary.

It all started with a dream : "It's time for you to try to explain the mysteries ! Find the griot who'll bring you to me, and when you recognize me, circle around me three times, caress me with buttermilk, and let me know what you want. But be careful : don't forget the buttermilk !" That's how I was drawn into the baobab's spirit. It was in the year 2000. The year of the Sopi. If the baobab was Senegal's emblem, through the tree, I should understand the country.

Format: 35 mm - 1,66. Color
Running time: 25 min
Year of production: 2000
In French, English subtitles.

from "La Trilogie des amours". 1999-2003. France/Senegal.
Directed by Laurence Attali. Includes Même le vent (1999), Baobab (2000), and Le déchaussé (2003)-each a poetic love story. In French, English subtitles. 74 min.

FIPA 2001 - Fipatel


3 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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