SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Born in the Maelstrom

  • Née dans la tourmente (Born in the Maelstrom) - [...]
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2018
Format : Short
Running time : 28 (in minutes)

Born in the Maelstrom is an impressionistic journey of a young biracial woman named Rebecca as she struggles to find her identity in a world shaped by her black mother's painful past.

An impressionistic coming-of-age story of an 18-year-old biracial girl named Rebecca and her struggle against racism, oppression and the karmic ties that haunt the human spirit. The film follows Rebecca as she endures her last days on an all-female campsite/commune with her black mother Vénus.

A film by Meryam Joobeur

Canada / Tunisia / Qatar, 2017, Short Narrative, 28 min, DCP, drama, Original Language: English

starring Sasha Lane, Karen Glave

Type: Fiction
Country: Canada
Year: 2017
Length: 28 min
Formats: DCP
Sound: 5.1
Version: Original English Version, French subtitles
Themes: adolescence, mother-daughter relationships, identity, racism, Women, Coming of age, Social Issues, Adaptation

Producers: Hany Ouichou, Sylvain Corbeil (Art et essai)

Directed by Meryam Joobeur
Screenwriter: Meryem Joobeur
Inspired by the novel'Naissance de Rebecca à l'ère des tourments' by Québécoise author Marie-Claire Blais
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Vincent Gonneville
PRODUCTION DESIGN: Valérie-Jeanne Mathieu
EDITING: Sophie Farkas Bolla, Jacquelyn Mills
Sound: Frédéric Cloutier

Sam Ashe Arnold Sam Ashe Arnold ... Tobey
Patricia Dorval Patricia Dorval ... Olivia
Dawn Ford Dawn Ford ... Choir Leader
Hasani Freeman Hasani Freeman ... Tom
Marie-Ève Frenière Marie-Ève Frenière ... Sarah's mom
Ally Gingras Ally Gingras ... Little girl - dance class
Karen Glave Karen Glave ... Venus
Nadine Jean Nadine Jean ... Piano player
Sasha Lane Sasha Lane ... Rebecca
Rose Langlois Rose Langlois ... Sarah
Julie Patry Julie Patry ... Lady in purple
Florence Patry-Jacques Florence Patry-Jacques ... Little girl - dance class
Andrick Richardson Andrick Richardson ... Tobey's friend #3
Matthew Sbrissa Matthew Sbrissa ... Tobey's friend #4
Jazmyn Seon Jazmyn Seon ... Rosie
Melissa Seon Melissa Seon ... Joan
Rosa Smedley Rosa Smedley ... Irene
Élia St-Pierre Élia St-Pierre ... Tobey's sister

Art & Essai (Montreal)

with the support of DFI

Distribution : Travelling Distribution



فيلم مستوحى من رواية "ولادة ريبيكا" للكاتبة الكندية ماري كلير بلاي، ويروي رحلة امرأة شابة مع النضج والإدراك، حيث تركز القصة على ريبيكا التي تبلغ من العمر 18 عامًا وتواجه تحديات عدة في مجتمعها خاصةً في ظل العنصرية والقهر والظلم الذي بات مسيطرًا على النفس البشرية، ويسلط العمل الضوء على أيامها الأخيرة مع والدتها السمراء فينوس في معسكر مخصص للسيدات فقط

فيلم روائي قصير / تونس, كندا, قطر / ٢٠۱٧ / 0 دقائق / اللغة الأصلية: الإنجليزية / الإهتمامات: نساء, يافع, قضايا اجتماعية, اقتباس, هوية

مريم حعبر

مريم حعبر

Hany Ouichou: إنتاج



  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of