SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Children of Troumaron (The)

  • Enfants de Troumaron (Les)
© Cine Qua Non Ltd / Photo P. Jaxa
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

In Troumaron, on the outskirts of Port-Louis, capital of Mauritius, life has stopped. The factory is shut down. The unemployed men and women look out at life from behind fraying curtains. The boys rule the streets and the girls try to avoid their gaze. Four of these young people, Sad, Eve, Savita and Clélio describe their days and nights, their struggle to survive and their worry about the future. They observe the world through unblinkered eyes, without any illusions.

A film by Harrikrisna Anenden & Sharvan Anenden

Feature, 2012, Mauritius, 90mins, drama, 35mm / Colour / 92 min,

Filmmaking : Harrikrisna Anenden & Sharvan Anenden
Scriptwriter : Ananda Devi. D'après son roman/Based on her novel: Ève des décombres
Photography : Piotr Jaxa
Montage : Catherine Le Mignant-Labye
interpreters : Kitty Phllips, Roshan Hassamal, Vinaya Sungkur, Kristeven Mootien, Thierry Françoise

Production House :
Cine Qua Non Ltd., Lex Advoc Chambers, Sterling House, Lislet Geoffroy Street, Port-Louis île Maurice) / 25b, route de Prévessin, 01210, Ferney-Voltaire (France), anenden@cinequanon.net

Born in Mauritius in 1947, Harrikrisna Anenden comes to fiction after 30 years in documentaries, mainly devoted to world health problems, beginning with L'Argile et la Flamme (1980). Born in 1984, Sharvan Anenden studied communications in London, worked in photography and advertising, and has directed several animation shorts. LES ENFANTS DE TROUMARON (THE CHILDREN OF TROUMARON), released in 2012, is their first fiction feature.

2012 | 36th World Film Festival of Montreal / Festival des Films du Monde de Montréal | MONTREAL, Canada
* Focus on World Cinema (feature film) / Regards sur les cinémas du monde (longs métrages)
Schedule: 30 August 2012 - 19h20 - CINÉMA QUARTIER LATIN 11 - L11.30.5 -
Schedule: 31 August 2012 - 17h00 - CINÉMA QUARTIER LATIN 11 - L11.31.4 -
Schedule: 2 September 2012 - 17h00 - CINÉMA QUARTIER LATIN 11 - L11.02.4 -


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Enfants de Troumaron (Les)



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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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