SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Colonel (The)

  • Mon colonel
Genre : War
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Feature
Running time : 111 (in minutes)

Raoul Duplan, a retired colonel, is found at home, a bullet in his head. The investigation stalls, until an anonymous letter is delivered: "The colonel died at Saint-Arnaud."
Saint-Arnaud, Algeria, 1957.
On the rebound from a love affair gone wrong, young Guy Rossi, a law graduate, has enlisted to serve before call-up has even been announced. Aide-de-camp to Colonel Duplan, who commands the Saint-Arnaud garrison in the east of Algeria, Rossi's mission is to study the latitude provided to the army by the special powers that have been unanimously voted in by the National Assembly. "No measures, not even those contrary to the greater principles of our laws, are to be ruled out," Rossi concludes. This blank endorsement will lead to their ruin… in Algeria, and forty years later in France.

Feature film, Fiction, Drama, War

Director : Laurent Herbiet
Actors : Olivier Gourmet, Robinson Stévenin, Cécile De France, Charles Aznavour, Bruno Solo, Éric Caravaca, Guillaume Gallienne, Georges Siatidis, Thierry Hancisse, Jacques Boudet, Wladimir Yordanoff, Bruno Lochet, Hervé Pauchon, Christophe Rouzaud, Philippe Chevalier, Virginie Bordes, Samir Guesmi, Marie Kremer

Production language : French
Nationality : Majority French (France, Belgium)
French release : 11/15/06
Runtime : 1h 51mn
Current status : Released

Associate production company : KG Productions
Co-production : Arte France Cinéma
French distribution : Pathé Distribution
Film export/Foreign Sales : Pathé Distribution

元大佐ラウル・デュプランが彼の家で頭に銃弾を受けた状態で発見された。捜査はまったく進展が見えなかった、匿名の手紙(「大佐はサン・アルノーで死亡した」- 1957年、サン・アルノー、アルジェリア)が届くまでは。

監督 : Laurent Herbiet
俳優 : Olivier Gourmet, Robinson Stévenin, Cécile De France, Charles Aznavour, Bruno Solo, Éric Caravaca, Guillaume Gallienne, Georges Siatidis, Thierry Hancisse, Jacques Boudet, Wladimir Yordanoff, Bruno Lochet, Hervé Pauchon, Christophe Rouzaud, Philippe Chevalier, Virginie Bordes, Samir Guesmi, Marie Kremer
長編映画, フィクション, ドラマ, 戦争
言語 : フランス語
製作国 : 大部分フランス (フランス, ベルギー)
フランス公開 : 06/11/15
上映時間 : 1h 51mn
経過状況 : 公開済み
製作代表 : KG Productions
共同製作 : Arte France Cinéma
フランス国内配給 : Pathé Distribution
輸出/国際配給/国際販売部門 : Pathé Distribution


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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