SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Congo River

  • Congo River
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title : Congo River. Beyond darkness | Congo River. Au-delà des ténèbres
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2005
Format : Feature
Running time : 120 (in minutes)

More than 4 000km through the immense forest équatorial... Beyond the technical and human performance (seven months of turning under extreme conditions), it is with a diving in the heart of a bloodless but splendid country that the film delivers throughout course of this majestic river.

This documentary journey on the great Congo River takes in everything from extraordinary barges and river-craft that serve as floating villages, vestiges of war and collapsed empires, always the presence of the jungle, a variety of religious ceremonies, and an insight into the lives of those who look to the river as resource, sustenance and public thoroughfare. Powerful and evocative, we glimpse a world of many contrasts.

Lingala, Kiswahili, English, French with English subtitles

Feature documentary
Length: 1h56- support: 35 mm & HD (High Definition)
Versions: French and English
Number: 3 episodes - length: 1h
Versions: French, English, international

Film crew
Director : Thierry Michel
Photography : Michel Techy
Sound : Lieven Callens
Editing : Marie Quinton
Music : Lokua Kanza
Narration : Lye Mudaba Yoka, Thierry Michel, Olivier Cheysson
Producer : Christine Pireaux - Serge Lalou

Coproduction : : Les Films de la Passerelle, les Films d'Ici, XDC (EVS Group), RTBF (Télévision belge) produit avec l'aide du Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique et des télédistributeurs wallons, VRT Canvas, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, YLE co-productions, VPRO, RTSR Avec le soutien de la DGCD, la DDC, du Tax Shelter du Gouvernement fédéral belge, du Studio l'Equipe, de Hewa Bora Airways, de Sony

with the participation of CANAL + and the Ministère des affaires étrangères français,

with the help of Loterie Nationale and the Région wallonne - Wallimage et Promimage, and the Fonds Eurimages du Conseil de l'Europe Developed and distributed with the support of the MEDIA programme of the European Union


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of