SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Egyptian Maidens

  • Deux filles d'Egypte (Bentein Men Masr)
© Al Arabia Cinema
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Two Girls from Egypt
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Feature
Running time : 125 (in minutes)

A story about two virgin women in a society where marriage is part of the identity.
In a male dominated society like Egypt, women are harshly judged. They are denied the right to explore their sexuality and the right to express their emotions unless they are married. In order to get these rights, they have to comply with a rigid set of values. However,the reward is not always guaranteed.

Written and Directed by Mohamed Amin, Egypt, 2010

Release Date: 2010
Original Title: Bentein Men Masr
Studio: Al Arabia Cinema

Director: Mohamed Amin
Scriptwriter: Mohamed Amin
D.O.P: Ihab Mohamed Aly (Ehab Mohamed Aly) - Galal El Zaki (Galal El Zaky)
Editor: Maha Roushdy
Art Director: Sameh El Khouly
Music: Raad Khalaf,
Set Designer: Sameh El Khouly
Executive Producer: Emad Mourad,
Producer: Esaad Younis (Al Arabia Cinema).

Main Cast: Zeina, Saba Mubarak, Eyad Nassar,

Production: Al Arabia Cinema

Salwa Mohamed Aly
Saba Mubarak
Iaad Nassar

Head Of Production Emad Mourad

Genre: Drama
Running time: 125 min.
Distributor: Al Arabia Cinema


I ett mansdominerat samhälle som Egypten, är kvinnor hårt dömda. De nekas rätten att utforska sin sexualitet och rätten att uttrycka sina känslor om de inte är gifta. För att få dessa rättigheter måste de följa en strikt uppsättning värderingar. Dock är belöningen inte alltid garanterad.


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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