Together with other African fi lmmakers, Caroline was residing in an artist's village called Songzhuang, on the outskirts of the Chinese capital Beijing. There she met a nine-year-old boy Pei, around whom the story is based, which follows an imaginative child action hero (played by Pei himself), his quest to become a stronger hero by completing all different tasks (jumping over the stepping stone in the park) and taking advice from the wise elders (the uncles and aunties next door), through the streets and daily markets of Songzhuang, the only world according to the nine year old.
Uganda/China 2011, Mandarin with English subtitles, DigiBeta, 16 min, Short Film
Director: Caroline Kamya
Reversing the Chinese gaze on Africa, the International Film Festival Rotterdam commissioned a series of short films which saw African directors turn their lens on China.
2011 | 32nd Durban International Film Festival
* Raiding Africa Selection
Showtimes: 24 JULY 1:00pm ROYAL
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