SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Social
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Short
Running time : 19 (in minutes)

Drucille, a teenager of African descent (Congo), plays a joke on her classmate. At first glance, just an ordinary day...
She goes through the inevitable stage of the awkward age. Frequent feuds with Mom make her live miserable enough and she does not know how to handle it. Then one day, she happens to pull a prank on a classmate. It looks like just one of ordinary days, but, unexpected situation starts to unfold.

A film by Laurent SENECHAL

France, 2006, short drama, 19 mins, French, 35 mm

starring Fanta Touré, Manga N'Djomo, Sabrina Khettab

First film

Winner: Best performance by an actress (Prix d'interprétation féminine) to Fanta Touré (Drucille), Manga Djomo (mother)
> Winner: Best first drama (Prix de la meilleure 1ère oeuvre de fiction) (SACD)

FESPACO | OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso | 2007
> Selection "World Films"

Festival Travelling | RENNES, France | 2007
> Selection

8th Festival Plein Sud | COZES, France | 2007
> Official Competition

UNINVITÉD Film Festival | PARIS, France | 19-21 April 2007
> Selection

City of lights, city of angels | LOS ANGELES, USA | 2007
> Selection

Rencontres cinématographiques de Dignes les Bains | DIGNES LES BAINS, France | 2007
> Winner: Grand Prize

Nice Film Festival | NICE, France | 2007
> Selection

6ème Festival du court métrage d'Altkirch | ALTKIRCH, France | Alsace (68) | du 11 au 15 avril 2007
> Grand Prize

10ème Festival Détours en Ciné-Court - Rencontres autour du Court Métrage | SAINT-GÉNIÈS BELLEVUE, France | Haute-Garonne | www.cinecourt-bellevue.com | May 29 - June 2, 2007
> Sélection

9th SIYFF, Seoul International Youth Film Festival | SEOUL, Korea | July 19-24, 2007
> Selection - Brilliant moments
"Short film invitation - Brilliant moments"

Festival de Gindou | GINDOU, France | 2007
> Selection


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Nyaman'Gouacou (Viande de ta mère)



  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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