SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ouled Lenine

  • Ouled Lenine
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title : OUED LENIN. Histoire d'un engagement / OUED LENIN. The story of a militant - أولاد لينين
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 81 (in minutes)

The director Nadia El Fani portrays, through interviews and travelling over the country, her own father, one of the chief of the Tunisian Communist Party!

'Those were the days, sweet, when I was ten years old, we were so happy, it remains the best moment in my own life…

"That was the time when Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists, men and women, together lived and struggled for a better world in a free and tolerant society…"

That was the time when we achieved Independence for the country, when women and men were equal, when….

Yes, this time did exist, it's History now, it's also past…!

"What have you done, dad, of your twenties? What have we done of ours as well?"

What has happened to our world that we today live in, why are so many parts of this world in a state of intolerance and violence?'

This film, OULED LENINE is made as a profound investigation upon modern History. Yet, it is full of emotion as it depicts a family'saga' over a few generations, over just the last fifty years or so… on both banks of our common sea: the Mediterranean.

A Z'YEUX NOIRS MOVIES Production. © 2007.

The story of a militant

A 81'. Documentary
Directed by Nadia EL FANI
(Available in 54 min)


"Tenía diez años entonces, y fue la mejor época de mi vida. En el Túnez independiente de Bourguiba que ya entraba en la era de la desilusión, éramos unos pocos en compartir un secreto en común: éramos hijos e hijas de comunistas. Chitón…" A los 20 años luchaban por la independencia de Túnez, estaban llenos de esperanza. ¿Esperaron demasiado a que madurara el país, o pasó el tiempo demasiado rápidamente para sus sueños? El documental traza un retrato especial de los militantes progresistas en Túnez inmediatamente después de la Independencia y plantea la cuestión de la herencia que han dejado…

TITULO: Ouled lenine
DIRECTOR: Nadia El Fani
GENERO: Documental
PAÍS: Francia, Túnez
AÑO: 2007
CARACTERÍSTICAS: 81'- Betacam - color - VO francés, árabe - Subtitulado español

Dirección / Réalisation / Director Nadia El Fani
Producción / Production / Producer Z'Yeux Noirs Movies
Fotografía / Image / Cinematography Sofian El Fani, Fatma Cherif
Sonido / Son / Sound Moncef Taleb, Philippe Lauliac
Montaje / Montage / Editing Thierry Simonnet

¡Sí! | Oui! | Yes!



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2 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of