SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Root Up

  • À la racine (Root Up)
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2017
Format : Short
Running time : 27 (in minutes)

The Story of a Land, a Woman and her Struggle to Save her Legacy. This creative documentary deals the issue of chlordecone-contaminated soils in Guadeloupe, FWI through the prism of a local female farmer.
When Joselie, a former seamstress, inherits 5 acres of land from her late father, she becomes a farmer at age 48 ans. At that point, she discovers that her land is contaminated and that she cannot grow anything on it. However, she refuses to give up and is determined to save her land and live off it.

A film by Katia Café-Fébrissy (Canada)

Guadeloupe, 2017, Documentary, 27 mins, HD

3 times award-winning documentary

Title: Root Up
Original Title: À la racine
Type: Documentary
Languages: French & Creole with English subtitles
Country of Production: Guadeloupe, France
Format: HD

Director/Réalisatrice : Katia Café-Fébrissy
DoP/Image : Katia Café-Fébrissy
Sound/Son : Jordi Ronel, Katia Café-Fébrissy
Editing/Montage : Katia Café-Fébrissy

* Best Short Documentary Award / TERRA Environmental Film Festival, Guadeloupe, France (Prix du Meilleur court-métrage, au TERRA FESTIVAL, Guadeloupe, mars 2017)
* Silver Award (Excellence in Filmmaking) / Spotlight Documentary Film Festival, Atlanta, USA
* Best Woman Filmmaker / Barcelona Planet Film Festival, Barcelona, Spain


2 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

With the support of