SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Shore Break (The)

  • Shore Break (The)
© Marie-Vérité Films, 2011
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title : Sands of the Skei Queen [Working Title]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2014
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Two cousins have opposing plans to develop their homeland on South Africa's Wild Coast. Madiba plans to mine their land for titanium and make way for a national tolled highway while his younger cousin Nonhle does not see why they should have to risk their homes, farms, graves and the environment to receive basic services like other South Africans. Meanwhile the South African Government dethrones their traditional King and Queen who speak out against the large-scale developments.

A strong young woman, her poetic 79-year-old village headman and their tribal Queen must protect their community's homes, subsistence farmland and graveyards which lay in the path of a highway green lit by their South African government. Coincidentally an Australian mining company need the road access in order to mine the community's titanium rich beaches. The activist's own cousins decide to partner with the mining company.

Director: Ryley Grunenwald
Country: South Africa
Year: 2014
Duration: 90 min

Along South Africa's pristine Wild Coast lies irreplaceable treasure: one clan's sustenance and heritage and sand dunes rich in coveted titanium. As an Australian mining company buys out traitors within the subsistence farming community, a strong young activist, her elderly village chief and their tribal queen must unite to protect what they deem to be true wealth: their identity in their ancestral lands.

Meanwhile the South African government approves a controversial highway through the community's homes, farm lands and grave yards, denying any link to the mining company's need for access to the environmentally sensitive sand dunes.

The tribe's Queen speaks out only to be dethroned by government, and as the community rises up, the greedy attempt to oppress them with an onslaught of bribery, lies, witchcraft, fraud, murder and manipulation.

Director/Producer: Ryley Grunewald

Format: HD
Running time: 90 and 52 min
Genre: Creative Documentary
Year of production: 2014
Country of Production: SOUTH AFRICA

Production Company: Marie-Vérité Films

Ryley Grunenwald was recipient of the $10,000 Alter-Ciné Foundation grant (Montreal), in 2011 for this project.

Berlinale Talent Campus


La Wild Coast sudafricana encierra un tesoro irreemplazable : la herencia cultural de los autóctonos Mpondo y las dunas de arena con un alto contenido en titanio, metal muy codiciado en el mercado. Mientras que, por un lado, una compañía minera australiana compra traidores al interior mismo de esta comunidad agrícola, por otro, una joven y valiente militante, el jefe anciano de su aldea además de su reina deben unirse para proteger la verdadera riqueza, es decir, su identidad y sus tierras ancestrales.

Paralelamente, el gobierno sudafricano aprueba la construcción de una autopista que atravesará el territorio de los Mpondo, sus habitaciones, sus cementerios, negando que exista una complicidad con la compañía minera que espera tener acceso a las dunas de arena. Cuando la reina de la tribu protesta, el gobierno la saca del trono. Cuando los Mpondo se sublevan, deberán enfrentarse con la corrupción, las mentiras, el fraude, el asesinato y la manipulación de los que quieren oprimirlos.

Dir: Ryley Grunenwald

Ryley Grunenwald, ganara la beca de 10,000$ de la Fundación Alter-Ciné (Canada), por este proyecto de documental.


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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