SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Spectre of Hope, The

  • Spectre of Hope, The
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2001
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

For over 30 years, Brazilian economist and photographer Sebastião Salgado's photographs have brought images of famine and poverty to the jaded First World. John Berger, best known for Ways of Seeing-the seminal book and BBC series-is one of the world's leading art and photography critics. In THE SPECTRE OF HOPE, Salgado joins Berger to pore over Salgado's collection Migrations.
Covering six years and 43 countries (ranging across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America), Migrations contains photographs of people pushed from their homes and traditions to the cities and their margins -slums and refugee camps.
The intimate conversation, intercut with photographs from Migrations, combines a critique of globalization with a discussion of Salgado's work, becoming a wide-ranging investigation into the power of the image to relay devastating truths, and surprisingly, hope for change.

With Sebastião Salgado and John Berger

Directed by Paul Carlin

Produced by Paula Jalfon, Colin MacCabe & Adam Simon

"Salgado's most noteworthy achievement is his ability to remind us that visual imagery changes an abstract idea into an emotional explanation, capable of piercing through to the heart of what life is. [His] capacity to expose a too often obscured side of global reality helps provoke those who look at the pictures to move beyond indifference. Through the still images and the video we feel the hope of these people from all over the world who are trying to again find a stable position in life, and we add our own hope to it."-Leonardo Digital Reviews

"Both a remarkable conversation... and a stunning portrait (in Salgado's pictures) of what globalization really looks like."-John Leonard, New York Magazine

"Moving, thought-provoking and utterly enthralling." -Judith Bumpus, The Art Newspaper

✮ 2003 Society for Photograpic Education Conference Film Festival


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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