SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1997
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

TGV is an express bus service, driven by Rambo, between Dakar (Senegal) and Conakry (Guinea). Before setting off, Rambo and his passengers are warned of the danger : the Bassari have revolted on the Guinea border. On hearing the news, only a dozen or so passengers decide to make the risky trip with Rambo and Demba, his assistant. A dismissed government minister, his wife, then Roger and Sylvia join the group. In the dangerous and unexpected events, each personality comes to the fore and relationships form. A multicolored bus affectionately nicknamed "TGV" by its driver connects Conakry to Dakar. As for the driver, he calls himself Rambo, a character that shares his courage and his determination. Beside these qualities, he knows how to lend an ear to his passengers' complaints without succumbing to threats, be they issued by fetish priests or men of power. Supported by women and young passengers, he is as good as keeping his jalopy on the road as he is in promoting democracy inside of it. A film by Moussa TOURÉ Senegal / France, 1998, fiction, 1h30 starring Oumar Diop Makéna, Bernard Giraudeau, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Al Hamdou Traoré, Joséphine Zambo, Omar Seck Comment (FIFF 2009) This delightful adventure is also a satirical comedy and a fable that reflects the situation ofWestern Africa in 1997, the year in which the film was shot - on the necessity of keeping the bus rolling (democracy?) despite the hindrances inevitably set on its path by the holders of traditional authority and the corrupt agents of modern power. Moussa Touré brings us a range of delectable portraits and peppers his tale with a few tasty anecdotes while the filmcruises towards its final destination to the tunes of Wasis Diop. Language of the o.v.: wolof, french Year of production: 1997 Country of production: Senegal Running time: 90min. Format: 35 mm Producer: Jean-François Lepetit Director: Moussa Touré Scenario: Moussa Touré, Alain Choquart, Catherine D'Hoir, Th. Delor Images: Alain Choquart Sound: Dominique Levert Music: Wasis Diop Editing: Josie Milievic Production Flach Films (Jean-François LEPETIT), France /// www.flachfilm.com/film/tgv/ Les Films de la Saga (Bernard Giraudeau), France Les Films du Crocodile (Moussa Touré), Sénégal World Sales Pyramide International http://inter.pyramidefilms.com/pyramide-international-catalogue-t/tgv.html Distribution (France) : Swift Distribution (African Continent) : Les Films du Crocodile (Moussa Touré), Senegal Distribution (Switzerland) : Trigon-film Distribution trigon-film Dell'Anno Regula Limmatauweg 9 5408 Ennetbaden, Switzerland tél. 056 430 12 38 fax 056 430 12 31 dellanno[at]trigon-film.org FESTIVALS / AWARDS 2009 | FIFF | www.fiff.ch * Special screenings - Atelier professionnel: L'éléphant a-t-il encore des couilles ? 2000 | CinemAfrica Festival | Sweden * Jury Award 1999 | Festival de Milan | Italy * Audience Award 1998 | Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur | NAMUR, Belgium * Jury Special Prize (Prix spécial du jury) * ACCT Award for Best Film (Prix de l'ACCT du meilleur film) * ACCT Award for Best Actor (Prix de l'ACCT du meilleur comédien), to Oumar DIOP Makéna * Mention of ACCT Award for Best Actress (Prix de l'ACCT de la meilleure comédienne, mention), to Josephine Zambo __________________________________ DE Inhalt Ein buntscheckiger Autobus verkehrt zwischen Conakry und Dakar. Sein Chauffeur gab ihm den Übernamen TGV und lässt sich selber Rambo nennen, nach demFilmhelden, dessenMut undWillenskraft er hat. Zudemversteht er es, den Klagen seiner Passagiere zuzuhören, ohne sich Drohungen zu beugen, ob diese nun von Féticheurs oder von Machthabern ausgestossen werden. Von Frauen und Jugendlichen unterstützt, weiss er sein Fahrzeug ebenso gut wie die Demokratie im Innern vorwärtszubringen. ein film von Moussa TOURÉ Senegal / Frankreich, 1998, fiction, 1h30 mit Oumar Diop Makéna, Bernard Giraudeau, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Al Hamdou Traoré, Joséphine Zambo, Omar Seck Kommentar (FIFF 2009) Dieses köstliche Abenteuer ist eine satirische Komödie und eine Fabel über die Situation Westafrikas im Jahr 1997. Er erzählt über die Notwendigkeit, den Autobus (die Demokratie?) trotz der Hürden vorwärtszubringen, die ihm sowohl von den Inhabern der traditionellen Macht, wie auch durch die von der modernen Macht Korrumpierten in den Weg gestellt werden. Moussa Touré entwirft einige ergötzliche Porträts und erzählt ein paar Anekdoten, während sich der Film im Rhythmus der Musik von Wasis Diop seinem Ziel nähert. Regisseur: Moussa Touré Drehbuch: Moussa Touré, Alain Choquart, Catherine D'Hoir, Th. Delor Montage: Josie Milievic Kamera: Alain Choquart Ton: Dominique Levert Musik: Wasis Diop Darsteller: Makéna Diop, Bernard Giraudeau, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Al Hamdou Traoré Produktionsfirma & Rechte Jean-François Lepetit Sprache der Originalversion: wolof, fr. Produktionsjahr 1997 Produktionsland Senegal Spielzeit 90min. Format 35 mm Verleih trigon-film Dell'Anno Regula Limmatauweg 9 5408 Ennetbaden, Schweiz tél. 056 430 12 38 fax 056 430 12 31 dellanno[at]trigon-film.org www.trigon-film.org/de/movies/TGV


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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