SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Whistle (The)

  • Sifflet (Le) [dir. As Thiam]
Genre : Fantasy
Type : Fiction
Original title : Apito (O) [Brésil] | Ilay sifflet [Madagascar]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2004
Format : Short
Running time : 22 (in minutes)

Samba and his wife Coumba are a blind couple. They have earned their living by singing in the streets of Dakar for 35 years. One day, a bus strike forces them to walk their way through the fields to get to the city. They sing, argue, and fight as all old couples do. In the quiet of a flourishing nature, they try to picture how the world looks like. Until they come across a magic whistle... director: As Thiam script: As Thiam music: Wasis Diop photography: Cesar Paes and Michel Berck editing: Agnès Contensou producer: Marie-Clémence Paes sound: Alioune M'Bow sound editor: Alexis Durand sound mixing: Stéphane de Rocquigny cast: Mame Ndoumbe Diop and James Campbell production: Laterit productions co-produced by: GTVS (Sénégal) with the support of: Commission Européenne (Fonds Européen de Développement) and Fonds Francophone de Production Audiovisuelle du Sud runing time: 22 minutes format: 35 mm ratio: 1:66 footage : 627 m visa: 110174 year of production: 2004 original languages: Wolof, French FESTIVALS / AWARDS Bronze Tanit - 20èmes Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage - Tunisia Special Mention - FESPACO - Ouagadougou - Burkina-Faso Public Award - Festival Plein Sud de Cozes - France Special Mention - Youth Jury - Fest Int du Cinema Africain - Milan - Italy _____________________ MADAGASY mpamorona: As Thiam mpanoratra: As Thiam mozika: Wasis Diop sary: Cesar Paes et Michel Berck fandrindrana: Agnès Contensou prodokotera: Marie-Clémence Paes mpaka feo: Alioune M'Bow montage son: Alexis Durand mixage: Stéphane de Rocquigny mpilalao: Mame Ndoumbe Diop et James Campbell production: Laterit productions co-producteurs: GTVS (Sénégal) bailleurs de fond: Commission Européenne (Fonds Européen de Développement) et Fonds Francophone de Production Audiovisuelle du Sud halavana: 22 minutes karazany bande : 35 mm ratio: 1:66 metrazy: 627 m visa: 110174 taona: 2004 __________________ Um casal de cegos, Samba e sua esposa Coumba, vivem de medicidade. Um dia, uma greve de transporte os obrigam à caminhar até Dakar, atravessando a única região verde de toda a vila. No meio de flores, cores, cantos de pássaros, eles imaginam o mundo ao redor, descrevem-o e defendem com paixão seus argumentos. De repente, numa clareira, algo maravilhoso aparece, na forma de um apito mágico… diretor: As Thiam roteiro: As Thiam música: Wasis Diop fotografia: Cesar Paes e Michel Berck edição: Agnès Contensou produtor: Marie-Clémence Paes som: Alioune M'Bow montagem som : Alexis Durand mistura de som: Stéphane de Rocquigny interpretação: Mame Ndoumbe Diop e James Campbell produção: Laterit productions uma coprodução: GTVS (Sénégal) apoio: Commission Européenne (Fonds Européen de Développement) e Fonds Francophone de Production Audiovisuelle du Sud duração: 22 minutes formato: 35 mm ratio: 1:66 metragem: 627 m visa: 110174 ano: 2004


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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