Dear Friends and Supporters,
Last week, I was speaking to a friend who mentioned he'd been really interested in reading my recent newsletters, but then added: "So, what else are you up to?" When I responded that this Kickstarter campaign I'd been writing about had sort of taken over my life, he paused, and asked what Kickstarter was. I realized that maybe I should clarify once again.
Kickstarter, which was featured in this weekend's New York Times Magazine, was launched a little more than two years ago, and has since become the leading secure online platform to raise funds for creative projects with the help of people like you and me. Kickstarter is an ALL-OR-NOTHING crowd-funding platform that imposes deadlines for raising money. In our case, the deadline is August 21st - 12 days away! A meter keeps track of all the pledges - YOUR pledges - so you can see our progress in real time. Your credit card is only charged on August 21st IF, and only IF, we reach our goal ($40,000) by then. Otherwise, NOTHING happens, you are not charged anything: no money changes hands.
IRIBA CENTER for Multimedia Heritage, whose name means "the source", will gather a century of Rwanda's audiovisual history from sources in Africa and Europe to make it free and accessible to the public. Center Director Assumpta Mugiraneza and I plan to open IRIBA in 2012, in a building that has been pledged to us by the French Embassy in Kigali. To find out more about IRIBA, please visit
In the meantime, I'm off to Rwanda! We're almost 70% of the way there with less than two weeks to go. The clock is starting to tick faster! Please join the 177 people who have already contributed to our campaign, and together pledged $27,733. By August 21st, we need to raise another $12,267 to reach our objective!
If you've been on the fence about contributing to create IRIBA CENTER, NOW is the time to JOIN and TELL YOUR FRIENDS! And by the way, fifteen minutes after we spoke, my friend went on Kickstarter and pledged $250!
Stay tuned for fresh news from Kigali later in the week.
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