SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Distribution
Status : Non-governmental organisation
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Kniebisstr. 29
Tel. : +49-711-28 47 243
Fax : +49-711-28 46 936
Contact by email

The Development education and publications desk is part of the Church Development Service, an Association of the Protestant Churches in Germany (EED).
The EED promotes, amongst other things, the production of cinema and television films dealing with so-called Third World questions and the mutual dependence between the North and the South.
Our board of directors meets three times a year and decides on the promotion and, in case of an affirmative decision, on the final amount to be allocated.
The EED does not support the production of ethnographic or "project films", i.e. films, which portray successful development projects. The project (start of shooting) should not be started before a decision was made by our board of directors.

Every filmmaker or producer may submit applications to the Church Development Service (EED)
Development education and publication desk
Ulrich-von-Hassell-Str. 76
D-53123 Bonn, Germany
Tel: +49-228-8101-2311 / Fax: +49-228-8101-150 / email:bildung@eed.de
The description must be sufficiently clear as to how the subject of the film relates to development and Third Worlds issues.
The application must include script, treatment or adequate project description, start of shooting, filmography or biography, estimate of costs, budget, technical details (length, 35mm, 16mm or Video etc.) as well as the amount of funds applied for.
Please submit all your information with two copies!
Applications must be submitted to the EED by the following dates:
5th of January (for the meeting end of March),
5th of April (for the meeting end of June) and
5th of September (for the meeting end of November) - each year.
The EED decides on each application submitted. In each case the applicant will be given a written reply.
The funds allocated by the EED include a pre-sale of the non-commercial rights for the use of the film for Development Education in Germany.
The EED authorizes EZEF (Evangelisches Zentrum für entwicklungsbezogene Filmarbeit), Kniebisstr. 29, D-70188 Stuttgart, Germany (phone: +49-711-28 47 243 / fax: +49-711-28 46 936 / info@ezef.de)
with the pre-sale and later on with the distribution of the film.

Film Grants Programme
EED and the Protestant Centre for Development Educational Film Work (EZEF) support films about the cultures and living conditions in developing countries. Both, EED and EZEF support the production of documentaries, features and children's films.

decides on which films will be supported
co-finances the production of films
licenses films for the non-commercial sector to be distributed by EZEF or different media centres
The Protestant Centre for Development Educational Film Work (EZEF)
advises directors who would like to receive film grants
together with EED evaluates grants applications
serves as a general consultant for film makers
distributes films that were co-financed by the EED in the non-commercial sector
is the non-commercial licensee and distributor on behalf of EED
EED funds film makers from Germany, Europe and developing countries. They report on the consequences of globalisation, state about society and living conditions and aim for a better understanding of other countries and cultures.

Sponsorship of Film Productions
Sonja Wassermann
Processing Film Applications (Treatments and Screenplays) within EED
Ulrich-von-Hassell-Strasse 76 - D-53123 Bonn
Fon: +49 0228 8101 -2314 - eMail: sonja.wassermann@eed.de

Bernd Wolpert
Kniebisstrasse 29 - D-70188 Stuttgart
Fon: +49 0711 2847-243 - eMail: info@ezef.de


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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