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Misr Arabia Films company - Khaled Youssef and his partners.
Misr Arabia Films - Joint stock company-founded by film director and parliamentary deputy Khaled Youssef, and participated in carrying out production of most of the Director Khaled Youssef's film. After decision of the Director Khaled Youssef to return to the cinema field, the company decided to start a new business from the beginning of the year 2017 to support the new faces, in order to offer works, trying to live up to the humanitarian sense.
Misr Arabia Films (MAF)
The director Khaled Youssef has founded Misr Arabia (Egypt Arab) Films Company several years ago. It is one of the important companies in the field of production and distribution in Egypt, in addition to providing productivity services. The company has contributed in producing series of important movies in Egyptian cinema such as the movies of director Khaled Youssef that has been greatly appreciated and received several awards from Arab and international festivals. The director received many honors. The most prominent of these honors was honoring the director Khaled Youssef at Distinctive International Arab Festivals Awards (DIAFA) in January 2017 for his work.
Misr Arabia Films Co. - Joint stockcompany - is subject to the law No. 159of 81 - founded by film director and parliamentary deputy Khaled Youssef.
The Company's scope of work is:
Production and distribution of films,television, plays, radio and television series, television commercials,documentaries, digital media, montage, and all artworks (Filming, sound,dubbing, mixage, montage, negatives, and color correction).
Since it was founded; Misr Arabia Films Co. participated over several years in a group of works in the various fields of artistic production and has carried out production of most of the Director Khaled Youssef's films, the company decided to start a new business from the beginning of 2017 with annual plans based on high quality production and support for new faces in all fields, and this is coming after careful study of Arab and Egyptian market, and decision of the Director Khaled Youssef to return to the cinema field.
The founder Of the Company
Khaled Youssef
تأسسنا بهدف تقديم أعمال ذات قيمة فنية عالية, تحاول أن ترتقي بالحس الإنساني و تكرس لمنظومة قيم نبيلة.. تحض على الحق و الخير و الجمال.. وبرؤية ملتزمة بقضايا مجتعنا و محاولة لوضع الاسئلة الكاشفة على كل الظواهر الاجتماعية و النفسية التي تعاني منها مجتمعاتنا,إيمانا منا بدورنا كمبدعين علينا المبادرة بإنتاج متنوع يقدم الفن الأصيل بروح معاصرة ويوفر كافة العناصر الفنية و الإمكانات المادية لتكامل عوامل نجاح المنتج الفني المقدم عبر خطة إنتاجنا السنوية الشاملة و المميزة
نطاق عمل الشركة في : إنتاج وتوزيع الأفلام السينمائية والتلفزيونية و المسرحيات و المسلسلات الإذاعية و التلفزيونية و الإعلانات والبرامج التلفزيونية و الأفلام الوثائقية والتسجيلية و الديجيتال ميديا وأعمال المونتاج و كافة الأعمال الفنية من (تصوير, صوت, دوبلاج, ميكساج, مونتاج, تحميض نيجاتيف, و تصحيح ألوان)