SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Patrick Ken Kalala

  • Patrick Ken Kalala
Film director, Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Congo, Democratic Republic
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Patrick Ken Kalala was born in Kinshasa on October 5, 1981. He studied theater until 2006, and after that, cultural studies at the college of fine arts in Kinshasa. He is a director, producer, cameraman, actor, and scriptwriter and has made several short films.


Patrick Ken Kalala wurde am 5. Oktober 1981 in Kinshasa geboren. Er studierte erst Theaterwissenschaften und seit 2006 Kulturwissenschaft an der Kunsthochschule von Kinshasa. Er ist als Regisseur, Produzent, Kameramann, Schauspieler und Drehbuchautor tätig und hat einige Kurzfilme gedreht.


Nasce a Kinshasa nel 1981. Studia teatro fino al 2006 e studi umanistici all'Accademia di Belle Arti a Kinshasa. E' attore e scrittore, produttore e operatore, consulente per l'Unicef e direttore di teatro. E' anche regista di documentari, fiction e serie televisive.


3 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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