SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Tony Okungbowa

Tony Okungbowa
Actor, Associate producer, Dj (disc jokey)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Executive Producer & Actor
Tony Okungbowa, Nigerian Actor, DJ and TV maestro/sidekick on The Ellen Degeneres Show, arrived from London and has been making waves ever since. His charisma, music savvy and infectious energy have made him a name on everyone's lips. A classically trained actor, Tony got his undergraduate degree in Drama from England's Middlesex University. With considerable UK stage work under his belt, Tony headed stateside to New York City for graduate study at the Lee Strasburg Theatre and Film Institute and booked regular appearances on stage and TV (XFILES, ARLI$$, NYPD BLUE, etc.). Ellen Degeneres met Tony on a photo shoot and the two clicked immediately. She offered him the DJ job on the spot. Most recently, Tony collaborated with Mr. Dosunmu as Executive Producer and co-star of RESTLESS CITY (2011).

Source: www.restlesscityfilm.com/#cast


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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