SPLA : Portal de la diversidad cultural

Women in the Middle East

  • Women in the Middle East
Género : Sociedad
Tipo : Serie documental
Título original :
Sección : Cine / tv
Año de la realización : 1979
Formato : Corto
Duración : 26 (en minutos)

Reveals the changing roles of women in North Africa
and the Middle East.

Four Films Produced by Elizabeth Fernea

Titles in WOMEN IN THE MIDDLE EAST series:
(Study guides are available for each film)

* THE PRICE OF CHANGE - Examines the effect of non-domestic work on five Egyptian women.

* SAINTS AND SPIRITS - Explores the personal dimensions of Islam during three religious events in Morocco.

* A VEILED REVOLUTION - Considers the possible reasons for modern Egyptian women's turn back to tradition.

* WOMEN UNDER SIEGE - Looks at the daily lives of six women in a besieged Palestinian refugee camp.

26 minutes | color | 1979-1982|

"The producer of these films, Elizabeth Fernea, is a writer whose experience in the Near East goes back about 30 years. Consequently, the films represent a distillation of understanding difficult to match. Although the focus of these films is on women - and would, therefore, be useful for any social science course in women's studies - the films are also fine for general anthropology, for political science courses about the contemporary Near East, and for the sociology of social change."-Psychology of Women Quarterly


1 fichas


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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