SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival 2014

2ème édition
Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival 2014
Genre : Festival | Luxor

Du dimanche 19 au samedi 25 janvier 2014

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

Le Festival de Louxor du cinéma égyptien et européen tiendra sa deuxième édition du 19 au 25 janvier 2014, à Louxor en Haute Egypte.

Le Festival de Louxor du cinéma égyptien et européen a pour but de favoriser la connaissance et la diffusion en Egypte d'œuvres cinématographiques et audiovisuelles de qualité, réalisées par des cinéastes égyptiens et européens, et de développer le dialogue égypto-européen dans le domaine du 7ème Art.

Ce festival a pour ambition d'attirer un nouveau public pour le cinéma en Haute Egypte. Il cherche également à contribuer au développement culturel et cinématographique dans cette région riche en Histoire et en Civilisation qui a souffert depuis janvier 2011.

Le festival est organisé par la Fondation Noon pour la Culture et les Arts (NOONCA) avec le concours du Ministère de la Culture, du Ministère du Tourisme, du Ministère des Antiquités, du Ministère de la Jeunesse, et d'organismes publics et privés, en Egypte et en Europe.

En avant-première mondiale et en ouverture, le festival présente "Excuse my French", le nouveau film de Amr Salama, produit par Film Clinic. Après avoir été rejeté trois fois par la censure égyptienne et reporté à cause des événements politiques dans le pays, le tournage du film vient juste de se terminer.

Le festival propose 62 films égyptiens (indépendants et classiques), 17 films européens et 27 courts-métrages. Au programme également, un regard sur le jeune cinéma allemand programme ainsi qu'un hommage au cinéaste russe Vladimir Menshov. Parmi les films égyptiens, "Factory Girl" (prix FIPRESCI de la meilleure actrice au Festival de Dubai) de Mohamed Khan sera également projeté en avant-première.

Les projections ont lieu dans diverses salles de la ville, neuf d'entre elles, en 35mm, seront en plein air. Bénéficiant d'un cadre exceptionnel, la cérémonie de clôture du festival aura lieu dans le célèbre temple de Karnak.

Contact presse Europe
Zeina Toutounji-Gauvard


The Second Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival
From the 19th to the 25th of January 2014

The Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival is organized by Noon Foundation for Culture and Arts (NOONCA), with the contribution of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture as well as public and private organizations in Egypt and Europe. The second edition of the festival will be held from the 19th to the 25th of January, 2014.
The festival's main goal is to foster knowledge and promote dissemination in Egypt of high quality cinematographic and audiovisual works directed by Egyptian and European filmmakers, and to develop Egyptian-European dialogue in the field of cinema. The Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival seeks to encourage Egyptian and European directors through the prizes awarded and to attract a new audience for cinema in Upper Egypt.
The choice of the city of Luxor as a location for this festival has the purpose of conquering a new audience in a region where theatres have disappeared. Noon Foundation for Art and Culture has the support of the national and local cultural authorities.
The challenge is great: we want to attract the audience of Upper Egypt to discover a European cinema rich with its talents and diversity, and to promote Egyptian cinema which has lost its natural audience in Upper Egypt after the disappearance of movie theatres during the last decades.
Furthermore, the organization of the festival in Luxor aims to encourage cultural tourism in this historical and mythical city. The guests of the Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival will be able to participate in all the Festival's activities and spend lovely cinematographic and cultural evenings there after having visited the ancient sites of this city in the morning.
This Year our honory president will be the son of upper Egypt the great poet Abd El Rahman El Abnoudy.

The Luxor Egyptian & European Film Festival is made up of the following sections:
* A section for long feature films produced in 2012 - 2013.
* A section for short fiction films produced in 2012 - 2013.
* Close-up on Independent Egyptian Cinema.
* A close-up on the New German cinema
* A tribute paid to the Egyptian actor Nour El Sherif.
* A tribute paid to the Russian Director Vladimir Menshov.
* A Section for Classical Egyptian Cinema; the festival will focus on different kinds of Egyptian Cinema every year.

Official Competition for feature films:
IN BLOOM by Nana Ekvtimishvilli & Simon Grob, Georgia
AGE OF PANIC by Justine Triet, France
THE ALMOST MAN by Martin Lund, Norway
THE ENEMY WITHIN by YourgosTsemboropoulos, Greece
THE PLAGUE by NeusBallus, Spain
WITHERING by Milos Pusic, Serbia
EAT, SLEEP, DIE by Gabriela Pichler, Sweden
ROXANNA by ValiHotea, Romania
A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE by Boris Khlebnikov, Russia
MIRACLE by Czech Rep
EXCUSE MY ENGLISH by Amr Salama, Egypt
FACTORY "S GIRLS by Mohamed Khan, Egypt

Official competition for Short films (23films):
Bizness by Manu Coeman, Belgium
Bird Food by Richard Keane, Ireland
Pet Hate by Andy Clarke, Ireland
Ham Story by EliskaChytkova, Czech Rep
In Vino Veritas by AnetaZablkovaKyrova, Czech Rep
95 by HardiKeerutaja, Estonia
Running Dry by DimitraNikolopoulou, Greece
Eight minutes Deadline by Petros&ZinaPapadoupoulos, Greece
Rhino Full Throttle by Erik Schmitt, Germany
Warehouse by Jakob Weis, Germany
Sweet Mosquito by Najar & Perrot, France
Contretemps by Laurent Noël, France
Shopping by VladilenVierny, France/germany
Photoshopping by Mark Davenport, UK
A Girl For A Hare by Svetlana Razgulyaeva, Russia
The Finnish Cow by Gheorghe Preda, Romania
Hazel by Tamer Ruggli, Switzerland
The Baumanns by Martin Guggisitzerland, Switzerland
Sweet Rabbit by Camiel Schouwenaar, Netherlands
Rabbitland by Ana Nedeljković& Nikola Majdak Jr., Serbia
Scarf by Ahmad Emad, Egypt
Only One Truth by Aya Al Adl, Egypt
A Left Shoes by Sarah Rozik, Egypt

The Jury:
Vladimir Menshov Director Russia
Lise Fayolle Producer France
Katerina Didaskalou Actress Greece
Franziska Petri Actress Germany
Kadi Lokk Festival Director Estonia
Jacques Laurent Producer Belgium
Tarek El Telmesany D.O.P Egypt

The New German cinema
Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer (1998)
Nowhere in Africa by Caroline Link (1999)
The State I'm In by Christian Petzold (2000)
Distant Lights by Hans-Christian Schmid (2003)
Good Bye Lenin! by Wolfgang Becker (2003)
The Edge of Heaven by Fatih Akin (2004)
The Lives of Others by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (2006)
Welcome to Germany by Yasemin Samdereli (2011)

The Independent Egyptian cinema
The City by Yousry Nasrallah (1999)
Klefty by Mohamed Khan (2003)
Basra by Ahmed Rashwan (2009)
The Winter of Discontent by Ibrahim Battout (2012)
Chaos,Disorder by Nadine Khan (2012)
Coming Forth by Day by Hala Lotfy (2012)
Asham by Maggie Morgan (2012)
Rags and Tatters by Ahmad Abdallah (2013)

Tribute to the Egyptian actor Nour El Sherif
My Wife and the dog by Said Marzouk (1971)
The Era of HatemZahran by Mohamed El Naggar (1988)
Naji Al Ali by Atef El Tayeb (1992)
Blazing Night by Atef El Tayeb (1996)

Tribute to the Russian Director Vladimir Menshov
Moscow does not believe in Tears. (1979)
Love and Pigeons (1984).

Egyptian Cinema Classics
Something of Fear by Hussein Kamal (1968(
The Mummy by Shady Abd El Salam (1973)
The necklace and the bracelet by KhairyBeshara (1986(
Mohamed Bayoumy by Mohamed Kamel El Kaliouby (1992)


Monday 20 January 2014
Press Conference :The Great Egyptian Actor Nour ELSherif
Moderated by the Critic Khaled Mahmoud.

Tuesday 21 January 2014
Meeting aroud the revolution, the cinema and the social changes
With the presence of Filmmakers and Novelist.

Wednesday 22 January 2014
Meeting with the German filmmakers
Moderated by the Critic Viola Shafik.

Thursday 23 January 2014
Meeting with the Egyptian Independent Cinema's filmmakers
Moderated by the critic Ramy Abdel Razek.

Friday 24 January 2014
Euro - Egyptian Cooperation in production and distribution
Moderated by Catherine Buresi and Hala Galal.

Saturday 25 January 2014
Master Class: the Russian Director Vladimir Menshov

For Further information please visit www.luxorfilmfest.com


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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