SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

„African Perspectives": AfricAvenir presents (for the third time)" Miners Shot Down

At 18h30. @FNCC. Entrance is 20,- Nam$. With Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre and Africiné. A film directed by Rehad Desai & Anita Khanna, South Africa, 2014, feature.
  • „African Perspectives: AfricAvenir presents (for the [...]
Genre : Projection | Windhoek

Mercredi 09 juillet 2014

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

Pour la 3ème fois, le film Miners Shot Down (Rehad Desai & Anita Khanna, Afrique du Sud, 2014, long métrage documentaire) est reprojeté à Windhoek, au Centre Culturel Franco-Namibien (FNCC).

Le film porte sur le sanglant massacre des mineurs de Marikana, en Afrique du Sud.

Date : le mercredi 09 juillet 2014, 18h30 au FNCC, avenue Robert Mugabe Avenue, Windhoek.

Dans le cadre du ciné-club d'AfricAvenir Windhoek, soutenu par Africiné (African Federation of Film Critics).
Entrée : 20 dollars namibiens

[Time : Horaire]
18:30 (6:30 PM)

[Where / Où ]
Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC)
118 Robert Mugabe Avenue PO BOX 11622, Windhoek, Namibia

Programmer/Programmateur :
Hans-Christian Mahnke



AfricAvenir and the FNCC invite Windhoek audiences to a third screening of South Africa's Miners Shot Down, directed by Rehad Desai. on 9 July, 18h30, at FNCC (French Namibian Cultural Center).

The film has been picked up by no less than seven international broadcast channels, including more recently Al Jazeera English and North America who will air the film from the 13th August onwards, just prior to the second anniversary of the massacre.

The film has garnered four awards to date.
* Vaclav Havel Award, One World Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014 - Best Film
* Camera Justitia Award, Movies That Matter, The Hague, Holland, 2014 - Best Film
* Aung San Suu Kyi Award, Human Rights Human Dignity International Film Festival, Myanmar, 2014 - Best Film
* Special Choice Award, Encounters South African, International Documentary Film Festival, South Africa, 2014

In July, the film will be shown at the Durban International Film festival, giving people in Durban another chance to see the film on the big screen. An initial week-long cinema release of the film at Ster Kinekor's Cinema Nouveau was extended to a three week run in key cinemas, due to popular demand. The Bioscope Cinema in Johannesburg has also shown the film and will do so again in the run up to the 16th August, the second anniversary of the massacre.

In South Africa, in addition to a cinema release, over 140 impact screenings have taken place to date in universities, schools, community halls, mining towns, unions meetings and churches, reaching over 18,000 people in South Africa.

[Time : Horaire]
18:30 (6:30 PM)

[Where / Où ]
Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC)
118 Robert Mugabe Avenue PO BOX 11622, Windhoek, Namibia

Programmer/Programmateur :
Hans-Christian Mahnke

The film series African Perspectives is supported by AfriCine, WhatsOnWindhoek, Turipamwe Design, and the Goethe-Centre Windhoek. © Copyright AfricAvenir 2014

AfricAvenir was awarded the "Toussaint L'Ouverture"medal, an annual prize given by the Executive Board of the UNESCO for individuals & organizations for their outstanding fight against racism, intolerance, & economic exploitation.


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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