SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Days, The Days (The)

  • O les jours (Alyam, Alyam)
Type : Fiction
Original title : Alyam, Alyam
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1978
Format : Feature
Running time : 80 (in minutes)

The Days, The Days (Alyam, Alyam) is a feature film directed by Ahmed El Maânouni in 1978. 

With: BEN BRAHIM ; Oulad Ziane villagers
Director, script, and DOP camera: EL MAANOUNI, Ahmed
Production: Rabii Film
Sound designer: CASTRO, Ricardo
Music: "Nass El Ghiwane"
Editing: CHICOT, Martine

Summary for official catalogues

Abdelwahad lives in a traditional village in the region of Casablanca. He dreams to leave for France so he can earn the money he needs to come back to Morroco and develop his lands. As he appears to be the only family support since his father passed away, he faces his mother's and grand-father's vivid refusal. But, neither tradition nor other difficulties will stand in the way of the young determined boy. He will emigrate to chase his dream for wealth and new horizons.  


4 files


  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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